Wow! The Holy Spirit is amazing!
Through Gods beautiful grace, The Holy Spirit is sent to fill us with God, to move our lives, to correspond with Gods will. The Holy Spirit introduces us to God on a physical level and personal level and through The Holy Spirit, God equips us to be a vessel for His power to save, heal and show the truth of The Lord Jesus Christ.
I never believed in the Holy Spirit when I was an atheist. How could I, I mean lets look at it from an Atheists point of view; A spirit, unseen by the eye, influences our bodies in order to do things for God... sounds crazy! But the most amazing thing about the Holy Spirit is God knows what we are aware of, God knows what we are prepared for and will use the Holy Spirit anyway, no matter what you think or feel about him, God knows when your ready even if you think your not. He knows the exact moment...
Ok, so picture this, your in your cell group in your living room and this happens:
'2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them.' Acts 2:2-4
How freaked out would you be! there you are, cup of tea cooling beautifully next to your bible on the side table and bam! What must of they be thinking! lets break it down:
Acts 2:2: So a great sound of the Holy Spirit descends from Heaven and God lets everyone know hes entered the Building! God didn't knock on the door and say can I come in, God wasn't waiting for a afternoon tea invite, he wanted them to see his glory and power. I think the significant's of the violent wind is that God had to show the disciples He meant business, throughout the Bible, even when Jesus was 'alive' they doubted the power of God, and example being Jesus walking on water...
18 A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough. 19 When they had rowed about three or four miles,[b] they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; and they were frightened. 20 But he said to them, “It is I; don’t be afraid.” 21 Then they were willing to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading. John 6 18-21
I suppose like us all, if it hasn't happened to us, we dismiss the idea even if its so obviously the truth! We as Humans need to be effected in some sort of way to be able to feel the effect; For example, I've never been hit by a bus, drastic analogy... I'm pretty sure its painful and life changing but I've never felt that pain, compare that to someone who has been hit by a bus they will tell me, get a grip man of course it hurt! The Holy Spirit has the ability to change our perception of God in literally a blink of an eye! This is God intention, not to scare or push Jesus away but invite us on an intimate level. The acknowledgement that the violent wind came from Heaven is God showing us that when the Holy Spirit descends, It descends from Heaven, Gods throne thus from God. I love the idea that the disciples where sitting down, understanding that this was common practice back then, to imagine this in today's world it brings us back to reality that fellowship hasn't changed much in the past 2000 years.
Acts 2:3: I love the idea the The Holy Spirit seemed to look like tongues of fire! I would be pretty sure that if a flaming tongue was hurtling at me sounding like a violent wind I would remember it! but isn't that amazing, the Holy Spirit, not only sounded like a violent wind but we now see the roaring image of a burning fire ember figuring into a tongue like shape and resting on them. The light of the world is inevitably the Sun, the Sun is a great ball of fire and Jesus said 'I am the light of the world'. Jesus entered these men through the Holy Spirit, God is the Son, God is the Father and God is the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:4: The ultimate statement: ALL OF THEM WERE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT. Just like Gods breathe fills our lungs everyday in the form of Air, The Holy Spirit fills our heart, mind, body and entwines with our Soul creating a fully God filled Human. Wow! We now know what they were feeling! How amazing is that, God loves us that much that he wants to be involved in our lives and equip us with his power. The brilliant part of this also is that they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, not just one of them, they were all equal in the sight of God. Finally, through the Holy Spirit God equipped the disciples with a way of communicating with every nation. Through those twelve men, God used their vocal cords to communicate a message in every language to everyone. Putting that into context, through God doing that one miracle, we are able to read this Bible today, the disciples translated the message of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice through the Grace of God and his beautiful love for us.
I could of wrote so much more... let me know what you think because this is a really amazing miracle!
God Bless
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